
Chip endorses Grossberg for Mrs. Kentucky


Hello all. Chip, here.

It’s too bad that pets are deprived the vote. There’s no telling how much better the world would be were we given the opportunity to run it. Prue* tells me that, I may be denied the vote, but I can always endorse, no matter the race.

In that case, let me endorse, with enthusiasm, Erica Grossberg as Mrs. Kentucky 2016!

The pageant is Jan. 23 at the Oldham County Arts Center. Currently Mrs. Louisville, the former Erica Thornbury is a native of Oldham County, a graduate of the University of Louisville and teaches Spanish for Jefferson County Public Schools. As a mostly-Chihuahua, the latter really made me sit up and take notice, but it was her platform that sealed the deal for me.

And of course, she’s drop-dead gorgeous, too! I don’t kiss just anyone’s photo.


Erica’s platform is pet adoption. She’s a big supporter of the Kentucky Humane Society, an organization close to my heart, too. It was the KHS that brought Prue and I together.

You’ll notice in the photo above, Erica is posing with her canine companion, Betsy, a lovely golden retriever Erica rescued several years ago. En route to Florida on vacation last month, Erica and her husband, Daniel, got word that Betsy was very sick. They returned home immediately and the diagnosis was very sad. Betsy has cancer and is in her last days. She’s hanging in there, though, responding to palliative care and getting all the love and hugs she can possibly bear.

There’s a nifty twist to the Mrs. Kentucky competition. Supporters have the option of raising money for delegates’ causes, and in the process, can ensure their favorite “Mrs.” gets in the top six if she garners enough donations! Just click on the menu below her photo on this page: http://www.mrskentucky.net/contestants.htm to cast your vote and make your contribution.

I hope you will join Prue and I in supporting a lovely person, inside and out, in her quest for the Mrs. Kentucky title. Rest assured that your contribution goes to a very worthy cause, and that if Erica wins the title, she will represent Kentucky brilliantly at the national competition.

*Person Responsible for Ultimately Everything

Check out this photo of Erica speaking to the Ballard Animal Relief Club of Ballard High School about pet adoption.


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